Retail stores have certainly changed dramatically in the past decade. In addition, the merchandise available has become much more diverse. When an adult themed store first started selling clothing and so much more to the “discreet shopper”, the store was directed towards a certain market, kept a focused profile and was located in a “destination” location.
Modern thinking has brought on changes in attitude and visibility for several markets … including the adult themed store. When this retailer made the decision after eleven years to
relocate, they called upon Great Scot! Enterprises to take on the challenge. No longer were certain
items sold in brown paper bags … rather itmes were tastefully displayed just as the major department stores would. A whole “re-branding” of the store took place as an eight thousand square foot shell
was transformed into an industrial “factory” filled with gift items, jewelry, apparel, audio and video offerings and of course an entire vault of adult products rounded out the space. This
open, well lit warehouse style store brings not only this retailer to a whole new level of visibility, but also brings a comfort level to a whole new market of shoppers.